So I went and watched Spiderman 3, even though some of my friends had said they didn't like it as much as the other 2, and I have to kind of agree that it wasn't as good as the others. Anyways, when I opened the door to the theater the smell of popcorn hit me. It seems like it fills the entire theater, no matter where you go, the smell of popcorn is everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of popcorn, but I couldn't really smell anything else, because it was really dominate. Then the people sitting in front of me, had carmel popcorn, which smelled really good! But it kind of smelled like vanilla or coffee instead of carmel, but then again I wasn't in a coffee shop!
I changed going out to eat to eating outside at lunch while at work.
As I sit outside enjoying the warm sunny breeze, I begin to hear many things. I'm sitting in front of the library on campus, and I was kind of hoping that it was a little more quite. I wanted to hear my surrounds instead of hearing people around me, but hey it is a campus, what can you expect. As I sit there eating my lunch, I can hear a plane overhead, a motorcycle going by, cars passing by on Michigan, the roar of construction off to the distance, someone passing by on a bicycle, another person talking on their cell phone, swinging doors in the library, someone returning books in the book return, and last of all someone who comes out of the library singing (very badly)! Great lunch though!!
Going to the grocery store.
All weekend long I have been craving for some mint chocolate chip ice cream, so I go into the store with my list of things I need, but all the while thinking of ice cream. I can just taste it now. I'm marking off my list and checking down the aisles making sure I wasn't forgetting anything before I go to the freezer section!! As I'm walking to the freezer section the taste is getting stronger and I reach the section where they keep the mint chocolate chip ice cream, and they are all out of mint chocolate chip!!! I was so looking forward to that first bit when I got home and they're all out, so I had to go with my 2nd choice cookies n' cream. I go through the check out lane and I'm thinking about ice cream as I walk to my car and all the way home. I get home and I open that sucker up and scoop one spoon full and take a bit and it tasted so good, I can now put away the rest of the groceries. I had my fix of ice cream!!
My day begins w/my alarm clock buzzing, waiting for me to turn it off and I felt like sleeping in a little longer, but I didn't. I'm then greeted by my cat Lilly, who makes a little grunt and kind of glides by my leg as she runs into the room. I make my breakfast and drink my coffee hoping to wake up and feel refresh and ready for the day. It doesn't happen, so I drag my ass into the shower and I finally wake up as the warm water hits me. I then finish getting ready for work and as I'm getting ready I thinking what I want to put into my lunch. I make my lunch and head on out the door. The sun is out and its kind of warm and I get into my car. I think about popping in a CD and think na, I'll listen to the radio. I turn the radio on, but there's only talking on the radio, so I turn it off and continue to drive until I get to work. Then I start my day.