Monday, June 18, 2007

My 1 "What If" Question

My "What If" question came from one of Beth's questions;

What If...You could talk to people who live in cottage cheese cottages?

I chose this question, because I thought it was an interesting question and because I love cottage cheese and immediately when I read it, I started to visualize this actual little cottage house made out of cottage cheese with a white picket fence in front of the house. This cottage house is part of a small little village with all the houses made out of cottage cheese. The whole village is under this glass dome, which is very cold to keep the cottage cheese from going bad, (because we all know that we don't want a stinky cottage cheese house). The village developed a way to build the houses using a secrete mixture of cottage cheese. To talk to the people in the village you would have to go inside this glass dome.

1. One of the practical limitations would be making a glass dome big enough to fit a small village inside. Also, they would have to come up with a way to keep the dome very cold and how to keep the cold from escaping from the dome.

2. There's no logic to my answer. I just purely imagined it.

3. I not sure what could lead from my answer.

4. If people can see what I visualized through my answer then that's OK. If people think I'm a little wacky, for my answer that's fine also. The answer is purely for me. If people get it, I have no feelings one way or the other.

5. As for my final project, I'm not really sure if that helped me or not. I'm a completely visual person, and I tend to get immediate visuals from something I read, see, or hear. I'm not sure if it will help in the future with other projects I create. I think I will always be a visual person and the way I answered the question is very much how I create projects, off beat or kind of wacky.

1 comment:

spyroterra said...

Yay cottage cheese! :-)